
Sangini projects information

  • Sangini’s projects are developed in response to needs within the wider community and are informed by members who play an active role in helping to deliver them. The projects are aimed at encouraging women to get involved, develop self-confidence and make a difference in their lives.
    Arts, culture and heritageprojects: Arts, culture and heritage plays a crucial role in our projects to encourage participation, self-expression and creativity. We work with artists to bring a range of arts experiences for women as well as help to raise awareness about issues that affect them, such as domestic violence and abuse, mental health issues, isolation etc.
  • Community development activities: At a community level we aim to challenge all forms of inequalities and discrimination; and promote the value of diversity, health and well being through educational, creative and participatoryactivities.
  • Health and wellbeing activities: We organise educational and participatory activities to help tackle health issues for women. They range from social outings to walks and include creative approaches, such as Walkers & Snappers, Dance for Health.